Saturday 7 April 2007

the consequences of making bad dicisions

this is a serious message for all

on thursday march 29 2007, i left home for work the same as any other work day. i got up had a shower, got dressed and kissed my wife on the forehead and looked in on my kids before leaving. just a normal day.

on the way to work, i had no idea that i was about to have one of those moments where time just stops, and hangs still for a long time, before starting up again with a crunch.

driving along the highway, one does not expect someone coming the other way to pull out in front of you with no warning. but this is what happened to me. a young guy, at the back of a line of cars, decided that he wanted to be at the front of the line, and pulled out to overtake the 2 or 3 cars in front of him. he didnt look before he pulled out. he just did.

we collided at about 220kph impact speed, nearly head on. he was estimated to have been doing 130kph.

we were both trapped in our respective cars for a time, until emergency services got there, luckily, i didnt break anything major and they were able to get me out quickly. the other guy was trapped for about 2 hours before he was able to be extricated from what remained of his car.

i have no doubt that it was the airbag in my car that saved my life right there. altho the airbag itself did some fairly extensive damage, better that than dead. airbags deploy at a terrific rate of speed, and it is this piece of engineering that can save a life, or take it.

im a 6 foot tall, average built young guy, and what it did to me, probably would have killed a child. in that split second, i broke my nose, a cheek, an eye socket, the L1 vertebra in my back, 21 stitches in my face, 2nd degree burns to my arm from the airbag, whiplash throuhout my entire back, damaged several discs, and most of the major muscle groups in my back, deep bruising across my hips and chest from the seat belt, and dozens of cuts and bruises and grazes from breaking glass and bits of car.

most cars these days have passenger airbags, and these will do the same damage that a drivers will. for those that read this, please take some advice from someone who has experienced this shocking impact. DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO SIT IN THE FRONT SEAT OF A VEHICLE, like the cars manufacturer will tell you.

i am quite frankly very lucky to have been able to survive this crash, let alone still be able to walk, talk and do those things we all take for granted every day, like hold my 2 kids and my wife, who is 7 months pregnant, altho i cant do many of the everyday things at the moment.

for those that read this, please please please, be patient on the roads and ALWAYS LOOK BEFORE YOU ACT because your actions effect not only you, but can also effect those around you, sometimes with shocking outcomes. life is too precious to waste with something so stupid as a car crash because you were in a hurry to pass someone.

the guy was 19. he made a bad decision and paid the ultimate price for it. he died on the operating table a few hours later.

this is a link to the article in the local paper the day after.

please tell others about this post.

i want others to get the message, but not to learn it the hard way, like i have had to,



kfarrell said...

Great blog. Road toll numbers loose meaning until it effects someone you know.

Anonymous said...

Props to ya man! and it was not your time to go! as you have children and a pregnant wife...someone was looking out for you on that fateful day! ..i am just a dude that plays ET with you but my heart goes out to you..i was almost killed in a car crash just this week past lucky i had the sense and skill enough to avoid it .. as a van pull out in front of me at night and i had two passengers ..lucky for me and them i swerved and avoided a near fatal accident. i hope that you get well soon and you body mends..your a great ET player and you will be again once you heal so anyone bags you i am in you corner mate :) stupid people who don't know what happened would be amazed at just how well you do play now :) cheers mate get well soon eh ! <3